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352 results found
Using signs and symbols to improve the care of people with dementiaBlogHospital teams often need to quickly identify patients with e.g. dementia who may have extra care needs. But these tools can pose ethical dilemmas.
Are we ready for earlier breast cancer screening?BlogA guest blog from Prof Dr Marjanka Schmidt principal investigator and coordinator of the B-CAST project.
Further genetic clues to severe COVID-19BlogNew research published in Nature has revealed important genetic causes of the most severe forms of COVID-19 disease.
A new era for vaccine development?BlogThe approval of this mRNA-based vaccine could herald a new era for vaccine design and efficacy.
Functional genomics: an application for rare disease?BlogFunctional genomics uses data from genomics and other ‘omics technologies to better understand how genes work and the implications for human health.
Moving forward with breast cancer preventionBlogBetter understanding of the why, how and who of breast cancer, combined with new technologies, are creating opportunities for personalised prevention
Pathogen genomics initiative to boost disease control in AfricaBlogAfrica Pathogen Genomics Initiative to strengthen laboratory networks and public health surveillance across Africa
Genetic and immune basis of severe COVID-19 cases revealedBlogNew research has uncovered the biological basis for some severe COVID-19 cases, revealing the importance of interferon in effective anti-viral responses
Genome UK: a new National Genomics Healthcare StrategyBlogThe National Genomics Healthcare Strategy has been a long time in the making. Was it worth the wait? Philippa Brice has had a read...
From DNA diets to precision nutritionBlogCan science such as the study of nutrigenomics and the microbiome shine a genuine light on what we eat, and how it affects our risk of disease?