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What is clinical utility?ExplainerEvidence of clinical utility is a key requirement of healthcare evaluation frameworks, however, demonstrating this is not straightforward.
What is transcriptomics?ExplainerA short overview of the potential healthcare uses of transcriptomics
Integrating AI with other novel technologies to detect and prevent oesophageal cancerReportIn Project DELTA (integrateD diagnostic solution for EarLy deTection of oesophageal cAncer), the PHG Foundation led ethical, and legal research into personalised risk prediction and AI driven pathology to detect oesophageal cancer, and its pre-cursor, Barrett’s oesophagus.
Journeys, experiences and best practices on computer modelled and simulated regulatory evidenceNewsIn the era of AI and digital health innovation, the importance and value of computer modelled and simulated evidence for clinical trials is increasing, yet uncertainty remains on its regulatory acceptability. New report examines whether and how increased regulatory acceptance of such evidence can be achieved.
Heat, health and human geneticsReportSetting out the state of the science in relation to the potential impact of climate change on human health. Heat, health and human genetics will be of interest to policymakers and professionals from a broad range of disciplines including physiology, sports science, climate change, and genomics.