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From health data to health actionBlogThere is growing recognition that the amalgamation of different data types including data produced by individuals through internet services, social media, and mobile phones could reveal valuable insights into a person’s health.
Heat and health – a role for genomics?BlogSome of us are more vulnerable than others to heat stress, particularly the long terms effects. We have been investigating evidence for taking a genomic approach
Dr Calvin W L HoDr Calvin Ho JDS (Cornell) PCLT (MIT) FRSPH (UK) is Associate Professor with the Faculty of Law at Monash University in Melbourne (Australia), and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Medical Ethics at the University of Hong Kong.
Familial informationResearchAs co-leaders of work package 2 of the PROPHET project, we have recently completed a scoping review to establish identified biomarkers suitable for the use in the prevention of common diseases.
EU propose General Data Protection RegulationCase studyThe 2020 Clinical genome analysis evidence review from PHG Foundation fed directly into strategic planning for the design and provision of clinical genetic services in Scotland
Prof Eamonn SheridanSaskia is a psychologist and behavioural scientist interested in applying psychology to translate genomics into better ways to help others.
PHG podcastReportAn in-depth examination of the prospects for using citizen generated data for health, and specifically to support predictive prevention of disease and to keep people healthier, longer
Mike InouyeNita Gandhi Forouhi leads the Nutritional Epidemiology Programme at the University of Cambridge Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit. A Clinician Scientist and a Public Health Physician, Nita holds a Chair in Population Health and Nutrition.