Professor Anneke Lucassen


Prof Anneke Lucassen is a Professor of Clinical Genetics within the faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton and a Consultant Physician in the NHS. She combines her clinical, molecular and ethico-legal experience to provide an interdisciplinary approach to the rapid developments in genomics and to effect improved delivery of genomic services to individuals and families.

She leads the Clinical Ethics and Law research group in the Faculty of Medicine, Southampton; is board member for UK Biobank; former member of the Nuffield Council of Bioethics; member of the Genomics England ethics advisory committee and chair of the British Society for Genetic Medicine. Since 2001 she has co-run the UK Genethics forum and she is chair of her teaching hospital clinical ethics committee.

She holds a Wellcome Trust collaborative award with colleagues in Brighton, and runs a joint PhD programme with the academic medical centre in Groningen, The Netherlands.