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Keeping you up to date with the latest developments in science, policy and health
Future-proofing protection against pandemics
Tuesday April 30, 2024
Advances in computational biology are opening new doors for vaccine development and the momentum to develop pan-spectrum vaccines for viral infections has never been greater.
Biomarkers and their clinical utility in prevention
Tuesday April 30, 2024
Our recommendations to PROPHET-EU call for a broader suite of evidence around biomarkers and their clinical utility in prevention
Reflections and key questions on data and AI for health
Friday April 26, 2024
The regulation and governance of AI, data and digital health was the theme for this year’s WYNG-Hatton conference.
Viruses for good – the case for phages
Wednesday April 10, 2024
The case for the widespread use of phage therapies is gaining momentum, with several significant reports published in the last few months. Using phages to tackle antimicrobial resistence is showing particular promise. In the blog, we look at the what needs to happen next to make these viruses work for good
What do patents tell us about the nature and trajectory of medical AI?
Friday April 5, 2024
What can we learn by examining the patenting trends for medical AI or machine learning over 20 years? The answer is a surprising amount.
Rapid metagenomics looks promising to reduce AMR and sepsis in ICU
Thursday March 21, 2024
Researchers in the UK have completed a study using portable benchtop DNA sequencing platform for a rapid metagenomics test to diagnose lower respiratory tract infections, which can often lead to additional complications, including sepsis.
Heat and health – a role for genomics?
Monday December 4, 2023
Some of us are more vulnerable than others to heat stress, particularly the long terms effects. We have been investigating evidence for taking a genomic approach
Journeys, experiences and best practices on computer modelled and simulated regulatory evidence
Monday December 4, 2023
In the era of AI and digital health innovation, the importance and value of computer modelled and simulated evidence for clinical trials is increasing, yet uncertainty remains on its regulatory acceptability. New report examines whether and how increased regulatory acceptance of such evidence can be achieved.
Synthetic health data, real regulatory challenge
Thursday October 5, 2023
Synthetic health data is a new form of data generation which demands new regulatory approaches to deliver the benefits to patient care we all would like to see, argues Dr Colin Mitchell
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